Turn the Tables on the Party of "NO"

Use a neocon's website to contact all six of the Blue Dogs Democrats who are not cooperating and encourage them to vote for a strong public healthcare option.

Change the subject line to VOTE YES and delete their copy. Fill out the rest of the form (marked in orange) and click to contact all of the Blue Dogs.

I also checked the Action E-List so I could monitor their other issues.

"FreedomWorks" is the right-wing scream machine who is paying thugs to shout down health care discussions at Town Hall Meetings across the country.


  1. Karin, here is a general comment that I admire you enormously for your commitment to fairness and freedom, and for your support for those pursuing the Truth, wherever that leads:
    THANK YOU for voicing this for so many of us!

  2. 'till the "truth" is found to be lies, in the game of yes and no, there can be no no without yes, and no yes without no, light/dark, yang/yin, up/down exist in relation to the opposite. love thy enemy for he/she is thyself.
